My Hood


This is my hood, where I get down. Where political  parties are frequent, everything is closed on the  weekend and the people are truly old-school. 
The streets are filled with graffiti, the ice cream shop and the park stay full into the late night.   Dogs from small chihuahua size to full size  mastiff faithfully following old men with folded hands or wear a scarf following their lady.   Where football is king and the three  P’s reign supreme (Pasta, Pizza &  Pane)
This is my hood.

Where old ladies try to marry me off to  their sons. The bar at the corner always say “Salve Bella”every morning when I head out for work. Where the building are old with character.  Where clothes hang from  windows, balconies and terraces.  People have window conversations and a monthly mercato brings everyone out.
This is my hood.


Where cats like people and dogs are eternal puppies. Where classic Italian films were made and a popular series remains.  This is where I stay.


